Article — 3 Min Read

Welcome to our test facility!

In a world increasingly driven by artificial intelligence, the value of human insights in product testing remains unmatched.

At AskSweden, we’re thrilled to announce the opening of our state-of-the-art test facility in Stockholm, dedicated to providing the most accurate and insightful product evaluations available!

Why product testing is crucial

In today’s fast-paced market, there’s often pressure to rush new products and services to outpace competitors. However, investing time in thorough product testing before launch is a strategic move with several key benefits.

  1. Uncovering design flaws and risks: Testing reveals any design flaws, usability issues, or safety concerns that could lead to costly recalls or errors. Addressing these issues early prevents significant problems down the line.
  2. Ensuring market fit: By validating that a product meets customer expectations and market needs, testing enhances its chances of success and alignment with target audiences.
  3. Improving quality: Testing provides valuable feedback, allowing for refinements that lead to a higher-quality product and greater customer satisfaction.
  4. Minimizing financial risks: Early identification of problems helps avoid financial losses associated with failed products, redesigns, or negative publicity.
  5. Building consumer trust: A well-tested product fosters trust and strengthens brand loyalty, contributing to long-term success.

At AskSweden, we have extensive experience across various product categories – ranging from food and beverages to nicotine pouches and electrical appliances.

Our expertise ensures that your project is executed efficiently and effectively. We also provide guidance on research design to help you achieve the best results while staying within your budget and timeline.


Our facility: Tailored for every need

Our new facility in Stockholm is designed to accommodate projects of all sizes. Whether you need to test with small groups or conduct large studies with up to 50 participants in a single session, we have the space and flexibility to meet your requirements.

For smaller projects, we offer isolated booths for individual responses. For larger studies, our facility features multiple rooms, including separate lounge areas for onboarding and dedicated client rooms. We use a range of data collection tools, from pen and paper to iPads, laptops, and even eye-tracking glasses, tailored to each study’s needs.


Comprehensive testing services

At AskSweden, we offer a broad spectrum of testing services:

Product and service evaluation: We assess performance, packaging, design, brand alignment, and customer satisfaction.

Sensory testing: Our panel of Swedish consumers evaluates products across all senses—sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.

Ad and copy testing: We pretest advertisements and copy to ensure message clarity, brand alignment, and the desired emotional and rational impact.

Price studies: We analyze customer demand, competition, and other factors to determine optimal pricing strategies for the Swedish market.

UX testing: We evaluate the usability and clarity of digital touchpoints such as websites and apps.


Recruitment: The key to success

Effective recruitment is essential for obtaining valuable insights from product testing. At AskSweden, we meticulously identify and recruit the right respondents for various product tests, including focus groups, in-depth interviews, and usability studies. Our dedicated panel, CX Heroes, comprises a diverse range of consumers and professionals, ensuring we match the ideal participants to your testing needs. We also offer recruitment services as a stand-alone option.

Adding depth with eye tracking

For deeper insights, we complement traditional survey data with eye-tracking technology. Eye tracking reveals which elements capture user attention and which are overlooked. This objective data helps improve usability by identifying confusing design aspects and refines marketing and packaging by optimizing visual appeal and visibility. Eye tracking also validates consumer behavior, offering a deeper understanding of decision-making processes and user interactions.

Maintaining high quality standards

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of sensory tests, we adhere to several key factors:

  1. Clear objectives: Define the test’s purpose, whether it’s comparing products, evaluating specific characteristics, or assessing overall preferences.
  2. Controlled environment: Standardize the testing environment to minimize external influences, such as lighting, temperature, and noise.
  3. Trained or targeted panelists: Use trained panelists for detailed analysis or ensure that untrained consumers represent your target audience for preference testing.
  4. Randomization and blind testing: Present samples in a randomized, blind format to avoid bias and ensure impartial results.
  5. Precise sample preparation: Prepare and present samples consistently, maintaining uniform temperature, portion size, and condition.
  6. Reliable data collection: Utilize structured sensory evaluation tools to gather accurate and relevant feedback.
  7. Statistical analysis: Analyze data effectively to ensure that results are statistically significant and actionable.
  8. These standards guarantee that our sensory evaluations provide accurate, reliable, and actionable insights.

At AskSweden, we’re committed to delivering comprehensive, high-quality product testing that drives meaningful results. Our new facility and advanced methodologies are designed to provide you with the insights you need to ensure your product’s success.

We gladly offer guidance on research design tailored to local conditions, helping you achieve the best results while staying within your budget and timeline.

Got an RFQ? Don’t be a stranger! Let´s talk!



Johan Jyrwall
Head of Sales and Project Management

Johan is an experienced researcher, entrepreneur, and project manager.
He have a solid track record in delivering insights for over 20 years for clients, domestic and international.