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Our Privacy Policy

AskSweden respects your privacy. This privacy statement describes the collection of personal data by AskSweden and the purposes for which AskSweden processes and uses your personal data. We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, which came into force on 25 May 2018.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
AskSweden AB (“AskSweden”) is responsible for the processing of your personal data. Our office, and principal place of business, is registered at Medborgarplatsen 25, 118 72 Stockholm, Sweden.

Personal data
In this Privacy statement, “Personal Data” means information or pieces of information relating to a living individual that could allow a person to be identified.

Which personal data does AskSweden collect and why?

Data of clients
We collect certain personal data to provide clients or potential clients with their requested or purchased services or products. For example: contact details such as the name, email address, physical address, date of birth, and telephone number of our customers, suppliers, participants in our research and other relations.

Data of co-creators
We collect personal data from our potential co-creators. These are individuals that take part in our co-creation sessies on a voluntary basis. Our team of recruiters source these individuals via LinkedIn, Facebook or similar service and share their data with third parties (e.g. the external tool XXXr to manage the pool of potential experts that co-create, or participates in our sessions, interviews or focus groups).
When potential experts provide us with personal data, we will only use this data for the specific reason for which it is provided.

Data of job applicants
If you submit any personal data to us in response to a job posting (e.g. your resume, first name, last name, email address, date of birth, profile picture), this may be shared with third parties (we use and to manage our talent pool). Personal data collected in this capacity will be used solely for the purpose specified.

Data from cookies
AskSweden has a signed a processor agreement with Google Analytics (on March 26th 2018). When you visit our website we use Google Analytics to analyse trends, administer the site, track users’ movements around the site. Google Analytics retains data before automatically deleting it after 14 months. Google Analytics will not share visitors’ data with third parties or use data for advertisement purposes. AskSweden has anonymised visitors’ user data (the last 3 digits of your IP-address) so we are not able to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. We are also not able to distinguish you from other users of our site. (A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer if you browse our website. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.).

Data of newsletter recipients
We send our email to relations who have been part of our projects or events over the past years. For example: attendees of our co-creation sessions, attendees of our events such as ‘The AskSweden Winter School’ or ‘An Afternoon At the AskSweden’, our (former) clients. The data we process concerns first name, last name and email address of the recipient.

Other reasons why we collect data
We may also use personal data to prevent fraud, abuse, illegal uses, and violations of our terms & conditions and to comply with court orders, governmental requests, or applicable law. We only collect the minimum amount of personal data about you that we consider necessary for achieving the aforementioned purposes.

Processor agreements with third parties
To protect your personal data, we have processor agreements with all the third parties that we share your data with. Personal data shared in this capacity will be used solely for the purpose specified.

Your rights
You can access your personal data at any time and you can verify/correct their accuracy. You can also request the removal of your personal data. To exercise these rights you can contact our webmaster at the address stated below under Company Information. Due to the requested removal, it is however possible that AskSweden cannot ensure the provision of (part of) its services.

AskSweden reserves all rights to change this Privacy Statement at any time in conformity with any applicable privacy law. We therefore recommend you to check our website regularly for an update of our Privacy Statement.

Questions or requests
Should you have any questions or requests concerning our Privacy Statement, please contact our GDPR Officers at the address stated below under Company Information.
GDPR Officer: Johan Jyrwall.

Company information
If you would like to stop receiving information from us; or your personal preferences change and you do not want us to send you the information requested; or if you have any queries about how we use your personal data, please let us know by contacting us directly:

AskSweden AB
Medborgarplatsen 25
118 72 Stockholm
+46 866 013 00